When I’m working in the shop, I’m pretty much always wearing my wireless Bluetooth noise reduction earbuds and listening to a woodworking podcast. Given that I listen to podcasts so often, I’ve developed quite the catalogue and figured I might share my top 5 woodworking podcasts with you.
So what makes a good woodworking podcast in my opinion? Well, personally I like it when they talk shop, without being boring… For me, that’s where many of them fall short. Of course I want to hear about projects on the bench, tools and techniques, and explore questions and answers, but I also want to be entertained! However, I can see how hard that perfect balance must be to pull off. That being said, the podcasts I’ve listed below check all the boxes in my opinion.
Now you may notice my preferences are somewhat skewed towards podcasts hosted by YouTubers. As a content creator myself, I definitely like getting insights into not only the woodworking aspect of things, but also through the lens of a content creator who is putting out his or her builds for the world to see.
Here are my top 5 woodworking podcasts in 2021
1. Wood Talk Podcast
Hosted by Marc Spagnuolo (The Wood Whisperer), Matt Cremona (Matthew Cremona) & Shannon Rogers (Renaissance Woodworker)
I’m sure most of you are all familiar with Wood Talk – and BTW if you didn’t hear by now, they’re back! These guys definitely know what they’re talking about and have a lighthearted way of discussing their approach when it comes to woodworking topics, all while keeping it fun and answering your questions. I always look forward to listening to a new episode of Wood Talk.
2. WoodShop Life Podcast
Hosted by Guy Dunlap (Guy’s Woodshop), Huy Huynh (Alabama Woodworker) and Sean Walker (SimpleCove)
I’ll be honest and say that I had never heard of Guy, Huy or Sean before I stumbled onto this podcast. They may not have as many followers on YouTube as some of these other guys, but there’s no question that these woodworkers know their stuff! The podcast focuses solely on answering questions from the listeners, which makes it quite diversified and highly relevant. Guy’s unique sense of humour always keeps things light and most entertaining.
3. Making It Podcast
Hosted by Jimmy Diresta (jimmydiresta), Bob Clagett (I like to Make Stuff) and David Piccuito (Make Something)
As a subscriber to each of their YouTube channels, this podcast to me feels like an extension of that, with a glimpse behind the scenes. They talk about what projects they’re working on, with a good mix of daily life and fun anecdotes. Anything from chickens, to Jimmy’s pants, to go-karting and more. Sure, I learn stuff when I tune in, but mostly keep coming back for the entertainment value. Jimmy always has a new crazy story to tell, while Bob tries to reel him in. A guaranteed laugh every episode!
4. Shop Sounds Podcast
Hosted by Nick Key (Key Woodworks), Jason Hibbs (Bourbon Moth), Keith Johnson (Keith Johnson Custom Woodworking)
This is the podcast I discovered most recently, and I’m still working my way through the backlog of episodes. At first, I started tuning in when I realized that one of the hosts was Jason Hibbs from Bourbon Moth. I was already hooked on his YouTube videos. I just love his presentation style and weird sense of humor, and after tuning in for a single episode, I was hooked! A great mix of shop talk and funny stories, and occasional star guests like Neil Patrick Harris.
5. The Modern Maker Podcast
Hosted by Ben Uyeda (HomeMadeModern), Chris Salomone (Four Eyes Furniture), and Mike Montgomery (Modern Builds)
This has been a long time favorite podcast of mine. Although I’ll be honest and say I’ve haven’t been tuning in as frequently as in the past, I couldn’t make a top 5 list without including this one. These 3 guys are dynamic, funny and quirky hosts, and it’s always a fun conversation to listen in to. Not to mention this trio is always up to something new and unique, so there’s never a dull moment!
6. (Bonus) Another Woodshop Podcast
Hosted by Mike Coffey (Coffey Custom Builds), Daniel Dunlap (Daniel Dunlap Woodworks) and Peter Capar (pTree’s Workshop)
Another recent addition to my podcast roster, this one is definitely worth a mention. Two out of three hosts are part-time woodworkers and content creators discussing their daily builds and struggles, striving to make this a full-time job. They love to joke around and laugh (sometimes too much) but there are always engaging conversations being had around this virtual table. If you haven’t given this podcast a listen yet, be sure to give it a go!
Other Woodworking Podcasts
While I’ve listed my current favorites above, I listen to a lot of woodworking podcasts and wouldn’t want to leave any out! Therefore, in no particular order, here are some other current woodworking podcasts I know of. I’ll let you discover and review them for yourself. Some I listen to; others I don’t.
- We Built a Thing (Mark Chryst, Drew Fisher and Bruce Ulrich)
- Shop Talk Live (Fine Woodworking magazine editors)
- No Instructions (Bob Clagett and Josh Price)
- Shannon’s Lumber Industry Update (Shannon Rogers)
- Shop Notes (Woodsmith magazine editors)
- Go Build Something (Penalty Box / Walker’s / Mullen Woodworks)
- Against The Grain Podcast (Freddy Roman, Justin DiPalma and Guy Dunlap)
- The Modern Woodworkers Association Podcast (Dyami Plotke, Sean Wisniewski, Kyle Barton)
- The Woodpreneur Podcast (Acres of Timber)
- The Dusty Life Podcast (Kyle Toth, Sean Rubino, and Grant Burger)
- For The Gram (Mark, Vik and Dom) – Instagram specific
- Chad and Steve have a Podcast (Steve Ramsey and Chad Reynolds) – YouTube specific
Discontinued Woodworking Podcasts
Lastly, there are also a few podcasts I have stumbled upon that are no longer putting out new episodes, but make for an interesting listen if you want to go through the backlog of episodes.
- Made For Profit – Brad Rodrigez (Fix This Build That) and John Malecki – focus on the content creator business aspect of woodworking
- The Woodworking Podcast – April Wilkerson, Jay Bates and Nick Key
- Woodshop 101 Podcast – Sam Wooddell, Drew Short and Jeremy Crawford
- Maker Minded (formally the Green Woodworker Podcast)
- AskCast – Herb Zackerholz, Paul Jackman and Graz Johnian
- A Maker’s Podcast
- Grain Knockers
- Bob Rozaieski Fine Woodworking
- If You Build IT Podcast – Mikey the Maker, Kyle Stumpenhorst and Ed Ford
- Maker Vision Podcast – Trevor Wannamaker and Stephen Ellis
- The Matt and Joe Woodworking Fun Hour
Hopefully I’ve helped you discover at least a few new woodworking podcasts you weren’t aware of. Have I left any out? If so, let me know below!
Into woodworking? You may want to check out my woodworking book of the month series here.
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