Make your own serving trays and valet trays using router templates.
This template allows you to create a wooden tray in the shape of a heart.
– Template is roughly 11.5” wide x 11” tall (292 x 279 mm)
– Template is made from 6 mm thick clear acrylic
Reusable template: This template can be reused if removed carefully and used with this double-sided tape (which won’t damage the wood or leave any residue).
How to use:
- Secure the template to your board using this template tape
- Use a router bowl & tray bit to carve out the inside of each compartment
- Cut away the excess wood around the template using a bandsaw or jigsaw, leaving 1/8″ material or less outside the line
- Use a flush trim bit mounted in your router table to follow the template and finish shaping the serving tray
- Round over all the edges using a roundover bit
- Sand and apply finish
Recommended tools:
- This router template
- Handheld router and router table
- Template tape
- Router bowl & tray bit
- Roundover bit
- 1/4 inch spiral flush trim bit
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